Local Development Planning

Our resources are finite. Equitable distribution of resources, especially where population is growing rapidly, is a long time challenge for authorities.

Haraya offers viable and comprehensive approaches to development planning and design, looking far into the future to ensure equity and sustainability.

  • Local Land Use and Development Planning (Brgy, Municipal/ City, Provincial, Regional, Congressional District spatial and development plans)
  • Investment Programming (Local Development Investment Program, Annual Investment Plan)
  • Thematic & Sectoral Planning (Tourism Development, Economic Development, Solid Waste Management, Coastal Resource Management, Forest Land Use, ADSDPP, etc.)
  • Land Use Development and Infrastructure Planning for SUCs
  • Policy Research
  • Local Public Transport Route Plan

Mainstreaming Resilience

Our world is changing at a pace most never imagined. This scenario more often than not outpaces the ability of the majority of the population and institutions to cope.

Haraya works with various clienteles, both in the public and private sector, and assists them in the strategic integration of climate and disaster resilience to their planning, ensuring the utmost safety of every segment of the population.

  • Climate Change Action and Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Planning
  • Low Carbon Development Planning (Site Development Plan, Green Economy, Transport, Corporate Sustainability)
  • COVID Recovery Planning
  • Business Continuity Planning  

Managing Programs and Projects

Visions and plans come to fruition through works, often in the form of programs and projects that involve finite resources and a multitude of stakeholders from inception to closure. Appropriate tools and techniques for their development and management are necessary to achieve intended results.

Haraya commits to meet the needs of the people and create exceptional value from limited resources, creating positive synergies between and among stakeholders.

  • Feasibility Study
  • Environmental Assessments (Environmental Impact Assessment, Carrying Capacity, Highest and Best Use Assessment)
  • Project Proposal Formulation and Packaging
  • Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Tools Development
  • Impact Assessments

Capacity Building / Continuous Learning

Today’s planning faces complex related challenges on housing, infrastructure, economic development, and environmental considerations. More innovative ways are needed to better guide the development of communities.

Haraya stays on top of the game in terms of learning and sharing new trends in improving both the built and natural environment towards elevating the quality of life.

  • Refresher Course/ Workshops on Local Development Planning and Financing
  • Project Development
  • Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Environmental Planning Licensure Review